Belmont Pedestrian and Hiking Information
Within our General Plan — our overall vision for the city until 2035, there is a Circulation Element with both the current status (sections 3.1 - 3.3) and the visions and goals and policies for improvement (sections 3.4 - end):
In addition to the General Plan, the Belmont Village Specific Plan (a plan for the more downtown areas of Belmont) Chapter 3 has a circulation element related to villages' mobility plan to address walkability, biking and transit related items:
For all our City's comprehensive multi-layered transportation and mobility plans — including Alameda de las Pulgas, Ralston Ave, and the full Comprehensive Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan — click here:
Our Streetscape Plan goes into more detail on how the city visions the roads actually looking:
Open Space Plan: Of particular interest to hikers, here’s how we envision sharing Belmont’s open space:
The City of Belmont is working on funding a Transportation Master Plan to have one source for all this information, but to look at a current document that does a good summary of all the current and planned safety improvements for all traffic — walk, bike, drive — check out:
County of San Mateo Information
C/CAG (City/County Association of Belmont) is an organization that allows all the cities in the county to work together on things like transportation.
Here is their comprehensive page on “Active Transportation” (human powered stuff like walking, biking, scooters, etc) in the County:
Here is their page on the Safe Routes to Schools program (walking/biking routes for kids to school) of which our city is a part:
Return to Athletics Page with Walking/Hiking Resources, click HERE.