Belmont Tree Removal Permits

Cheat Sheet by Gina Latimerlo, Belmont Planning Commissioner, 2022

1. Tree Removal on Your Property (Standard or Emergency Removal Not Associated with a Construction Process)

        1.  Create a log-in

        2. Once in, click Apply New Permit under the Permits heading on the top left.

  • You may have to click the “I Agree” on the Permit Application Confirmation first

  •  It’ll send you to the Permit Application Page, and “Step 1” will be highlighted in Purple

    • For PERMIT TYPE, choose “Tree Removal Permit”

    • For PERMIT SUBTYPE, choose your species or unknown

    • Fill in the remaining info and click on “Next Step” on bottom

    • Finish out all the steps, which include confirming your address and paying the fee.

3. After your application has been submitted online, you will receive a phone call or email within one week confirming an appointment with the City arborist. To follow up, please contact the Parks and Recreation office at (650) 595-7441 or

4. If an entire tree or a significant portion is failing or is likely to fail very soon, potentially injuring people or property, emergency permits may be issued. To expedite your permit application, please contact the Parks and Recreation office at (650) 595-7441 or


2. Tree Removal as Part of Construction Process on Your Property

  • If you need to remove a tree as part of expanding your house or building a new one, that would put you in a different category. It would be called a Tree Removal in Association with a Development Entitlement.

  •  You would include the tree removal information along with everything else required in what’s called a Single Family Residential Design Review.

3. Someone Else’s Tree is in Bad Shape, and You Want to Report it:

  • On Private Property - Contact the Belmont Police Department (Code Enforcement) at 650-595-7400

  • On Public Property - Contact the Belmont Parks and Recreation Department at or 650-595-7441

Full information on Tree Removal Permits can be found at