MOMENTS IN POLITICS: It’s a Dark Chocolate World
It’s interesting - and sometimes rewarding - being a nexus point between the residents of District 1 and the city government of Belmont. As a neighborhood advocate since 2003 and also as someone who knows how the city works as a Planning Commissioner, I've noticed that complementary perspectives can help get a good result.
Cannabis retail has been a hot item here in District 1 - whether or not to allow for it, and, if we allow it, where to put the shops. Just as in any functioning local democratic process, the initial idea came to City Council some time ago, and then went through the steps of getting Planning Commission feedback and public commentary.
When Cannabis Zoning came to Planning Commission, I advocated strongly (and at length) at the meeting to remove it from locations in the Homeview and Sterling Downs neighborhoods. All the Planning Commissioners deliberated and discussed, ultimately passing the resolution for cannabis sales, but recommending that the Council look at taking out zones in those neighborhoods mentioned.
Last night, the City Council reviewed our Planning Commission suggestions and heard from around 50 folks at the meeting (as well as fielded at least 100 emails around the topic). I also spoke as a District 1 resident in the Public Comment portion of the meeting, echoing the suggestions I made in Planning Commission — as I think removing those areas from cannabis zoning was the right thing to do.
The City Council had the chance to hear many perspectives and many voices on the idea o cannabis zoning last night. And, again, as in a functioning democratic process, the Council came up with a new course of action that seemed right given all the information and perspectives that they now had.
The City Council voted to remove the cannabis zones in the Sterling Downs and Homeview Neighborhoods, as well as table the discussion for cannabis in other locations until more community outreach and opinion could be gathered.
I think we, as a society, have gotten used to dysfunctional lawmaking on the federal level, especially in the last few weeks. It’s important to celebrate when the process works, and when our leaders are responsive. So, hooray!
I’m so happy for the success and appreciative of the residents who wrote to say thanks. It’s not why you do something, of course, but it is nice.
However, after all these many hours of work, waking up this morning to see a post in which someone basically loudly and publicly dismissed my contribution - while also speaking poorly of my integrity - did trigger some angry emotions in me. It’s the familiar story of a man dismissing the work of a woman for his own perceived gain. It’s bitter and angering and old.
But, as I wrote to a friend this morning, I guess I’ll just go have a chocolate and thicken up my skin for my political future :) !