Questions and Answers for Youth

In February 2024, I had a chance to speak with Belmont’s Youth Advisory Committee. It was a great time, and, afterwards, I thought it would be good to have all this information on my website so other youth could find the answers if they had the same questions. Here you go!

What recreation activities are available through Belmont’s Parks and Recreation Department?

Check them all out at

How can young people actively participate in local government and have their voices heard?

Join the Youth Advisory Commission:

Join VOICES for Community Service:

Apply to be a Youth Park and Rec Commissioner:

Attend and Speak at Public Meetings including City Council, Commissions, and any Public Meeting

What recent initiatives involve the concerns/needs of teens?

The New Community Center! Be a part of the conversation that helps to plan what amenities go there. You can fill out the survey online or join the next in-person conversation.

What mental health resources are available for teens?

Belmont youth access services through the County. See the San Mateo County Behavioral Health Website at Some highlights from there are:

StarVista for mental health and substance abuse needs. You can go for services or to be trained to help other teens going through a hard time:

24/7 Crisis Hotline: 650-579-0350

The Teen Crisis Services online chat: and text at 650-747-6463 (4-10pm only)

National Resources include:

Trevor Project for LGBTQ+ youth:

Dial or Text 988 for the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline

Very Local Resources include:

Your schools have resources. Go to the nurse’s office to find out more.

To return to the full listing of Resident Resources, click HERE